Monday, October 19, 2009

What's in a picture?

Last week my sister-in-law had us meet her in Parker to do a photo shoot with all of our kiddos. I have to warn you that she has mad photography skills and can capture some pretty wicked photos. :) Take these for instance, I'm sure I'm biased but I think my boys are so beautiful, it takes my breath away.....

I can't wait to have these somewhere in my house. Want some of your own?

( Your family silly, not mine!)

Contact her here.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Meet Tough, Muff and Max... our 3 Butterflies

A few weeks ago, I won a blog contest from this little guy, who had a stroke just like Finley! We won a butterfly garden and were so excited to send off for our caterpillars the day our habitat arrived. We checked the mail every day anxiously awaiting their arrival. Finally, they came and I can't even describe how amazing it was to watch their transformation! I am obviously not the best with words, but I do take a lot of pictures....

During this process, which takes about 3 weeks, we also read the book Hermie... this is a book written by Max Lucado and is a "just like Jesus story." I am not sure how much the boys understood, but it is a start. I have recently gone part-time at work AND took the boys out of daycare.... and we are having such a great time! This was definitely a great way to start our new routine of spending more time together.

....and Ellen, you will be glad to know we DID NOT let the caterpillars drink and drive!!!

What exciting things have you been up to?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This past Saturday, the boys and I went to the Aurora Reservoir to go for a sail with some great friends. The day was gorgeous and the kids had a blast playing in the sand and water... just what we needed before our fast-approaching winter!

We also released our butterflies!

What did you do this weekend?


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dear Walmart,

I don't even know where to begin. I have loved you for so many years that I can't remember when it all started. I do, however, know that our relationship ended abruptly this past week and will never be repaired. I have, for at least 5 years now, walked through your doors once, if not twice or three times, each week and spent our family's hard-earned money. I have bought groceries, baby clothes, diapers and wipes, toys, plants, tires and oil-changes, fabric, stamps, rented the rug-doctor, and browsed through your clearance (your very messy clearance aisles I might add) and for what? For your customer service manager to be a raging and, in my opinion, very hormonal b*&$#! I don't think so. You have pissed off the wrong woman. Not only am I going to upper management, but I will tell EVERY SINGLE PERSON I encounter for the rest of my life how much I despise Walmart. Before this past week, I would daydream about my next trip to Walmart... what I would buy, which greeter I would have the pleasure of talking to upon entering, taking the boys down the fish aisle... Now, I loathe the thought of you. You have squished my hopes and dreams like a big, fat jellybean and I will never be the same.
The End,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sacred Marriage

"What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?"

About a year ago, I was introduced to this book by a sweet friend of mine. I started it, then stopped, then started again.... and so on and so forth. Have you ever read a book that was so deep, so seriously important, that sometimes you just had to walk away and re-evaluate your life? Then, you re-read a chapter to make sure you fully understood what it was saying? Captivating anyone? (that is one of those books for women if you can get through it... definitely worth it) This is soooo one of those books. It has taken me almost a year to finish it! I think part of it is that I have been so busy with, well, life. But if I am honest with you all and myself, a big part of the problem was me. I will spare you all of the details, but John and I have decided to read through this book together over the next few weeks. I love my husband, more than words can say, and I feel that we have a good marriage, possibly even great most days. However, I have felt the Lord tugging at my heart over the past few weeks to seek Him wholeheartedly and I feel that this is an amazing opportunity for the two of us to experience together.

Have any of you read this book? What did you think? Any advice for us????


Monday, August 31, 2009

Root Canal Schmoot Canal

Just for those who care to know....

I showed up for my root canal, all Xanaxed up and everything, and only stayed for 10 minutes.

Why you ask?

I'll tell you. When placing the dam (sp?), the endodontist broke my tooth under the gumline and fractured my jaw. This sent me to the oral surgeon because it is considered a "surgical emergency", where my mouth and tooth and gums refused to go numb. OH YES, I WOULD NOT GET NUMB! Do you think that stopped him from drilling my tooth into a few pieces and ripping it out? Of course not. Fast-forward to today and many, many bowls of soup and yogurt later, and I now need an implant. (NOT the kind of implant I was wanting) Ahem. Google it.. go ahead.. I dare you. It is terrifying!

Know what else is terrifying?


Like this one that was on our street last week. Heart. Attack. Gulp. I may never sleep again.

How have you been?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Root Canal...

Tomorrow I am going to the dentist for my very first root canal. My sweet friend Laura is driving me and I couldn't be more grateful, as I will be premedicating myself with Xanax.

In other news, J.T. had his 5th birthday party. I was a little upset because Finn started having seizures around the time I should have started planning it and his invites for his friends at preschool didn't get placed in their cubbies until the Tuesday before his party on Sunday. However, we had quite the turnout... 17 kids! I am so thankful to our friends and family who were able to attend on such short notice. It really made his day. See?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Shrooms anyone???

Okay, that sounds awful doesn't it? Unless your name is Finley... you see I was going to title this post, "when it rains it pours", but then I thought, no.. here, when it rains we get mushrooms in our front yard. And FINLEY EATS THEM! That's right, he ate mushrooms out of our front yard. We wouldn't have known except for J.T. said "Ooooh, Finley you are in big trouble!" To which we responded, "what did he do?" and J.T. said, "he is putting mushrooms in his mouth."

"Spit those out Finley."

big gulp

Poison control was called, all is now well. The neurologist assured us Finley's seizures are not a result of the mushroom ingestion.

Thank you thank you thank you!

His EEG did show that he is having "left posterior epileptic (form) - ish? spikes and seizure activity": okay, maybe I shouldn't have put that in quotes. You get the idea. The plan for now is to use medication to try and get things under control. There are other options... but we are focusing on the medication right now and will only explore other options if necessary. (I have bad dreams, you see, when I think too far ahead and "borrow" trouble. :) )

Anybody know anything about the gluten-free and casein-free diet? (I am sure I spelled that wrong.. sorry!) I am considering placing the boys on it because it seems to be wonderful for brain development and incredibly nutritious and healthy... am I missing something big/ a disadvantage? Please tell me if I am!

We will see our neurologist again in a few months... until then, please pray for Finley to remain seizure free.

In other news... REALLY BIG NEWS... J.T. turned 5 years old yesterday! Can you even believe it has been five years since that tiny little fuzzball entered our lives??? He has been such a blessing!!!

For his big day, we had brownies for breakfast, cheese doritos and brownies for lunch, and quesadillas for dinner. (at his request, of course)

We took Finley to preschool for his Occupational Therapy, and then left him there! J.T. got a Target giftcard for his birthday from our neighbors and he wanted to use it, so we went to the store and he picked out a DVD: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. We took it home and watched it while eating popcorn and drinking bottled Coke! He even had his Lego Indiana Jones watch with us...

We played a little golf on the Wii....

I took pictures of his feet (what can I say? I think they are so dang cute!)

And today is our 8 year wedding anniversary! Goooooo marriage! (we got a Wii)

OH yeah: my newest nephew was born today....

Meet Aikman

See, when it rains it pours. It pours blessings of course! (Did I forget to mention that part?)

Maybe it pours scattered thoughts on my blog...

And finally:
Finley might have given me the stink-eye when we picked him up, but I couldn't really tell from the sugar-induced coma ;)

Any thoughts?


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fingers Crossed for Today's Appointment

Today is our appointment with the neurologist. Today we will find out the results of Finley's most recent EEG. Today is a BIG day because it could possibly have some answers.

And finally, TODAY the Wiggles are in town...

and we aren't going.


I really wanted to be able to take both of the boys because J.T. and I had soooo much fun 2 years ago when they came. See?

** Yes, thank you, I am very aware that my hair was, um, awful.


Monday, July 20, 2009

We Survived!

Today was Finley's EEG.... my plans for keeping him awake worked! My plans for keeping him calm during the electrode placement? Not so much.... he did, however, fall asleep from sheer exhaustion. Mwuahahahaha (evil and genius laugh implied here)
And of course, I took pictures to prove the entire process.


So sweet to take a picture with mommy upon waking....

Completely over it....

Gooey, goopy hair, but glad it's over!

What did you do today?


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Do you.... tattoo?

Hello... remember me? I'm the girl who has totally freaked out the past week over my son having sudden onset seizures. However, I think I am starting to adjust to our new normal. Well, that, and my mother flew into town today to help me this week while John is away. I know, I know... John has been out of town a lot and I manage fine on my own, but let's just say I have been a tad overwhelmed. But the show must go on... and on it has: See?

Finley playing in the sprinklers...

J.T.'s silly dance...

Taking a break... it's hard work being 2!

We had a blast at Southlands Mall today, letting the kiddos play in the water, letting them dry off as we ate dinner outside at Tokyo Joe's, changing them into their pajamas in the car and going grocery shopping for the week before bedtime.

I ordered and actually received (in only 2 days mind you) a medical ID band for Finn this week. I ordered it here, and also these cute temporary tattoos for when we are swimming so much in the summer. If those aren't cute then I don't know what is. If you are going to have a tattoo, you might as well say something!

On a more serious note, tomorrow is Finley's EEG at Children's Hospital. Please pray that our day is uneventful and that Finn will not be scared, but comforted throughout this entire process. Oh, and that we all survive him going WITHOUT a nap until then!


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Will you pray for Finley?

After Finley's stroke, I was introduced to the blog world. At first it was a way to update family and friends, but then it became so much more. Soon, it became a place for me to get it all out and "say" what I was feeling or thinking at that moment. It is funny to look back really because I can't tell you how many "posts" I started and even finished, only to delete them shortly after. It was therapy enough to put it into words; I didn't need anyone to read them. Now, however, I am asking all of the blogosphere (is that a word?) to chime in and help me out.
This past weekend, Saturday to be exact, Finley had his first seizure since birth. We were at the ballpark for J.T.'s baseball game and Finley was sitting in his stroller. He just zoned out. His eyes glazed over, he began thrusting his tongue and drool was pouring out of his mouth as if someone turned the faucet on. The nurse in me began to time the "episode" and called the pediatrician to see what she thought we should do. However, the mother in me was terrified... especially because my sister-in-law was witnessing it with me and she looked like she may pass out/ freak out. (fyi: she is the calm one) Our pediatrician said to go to the ER, so we headed to Children's Hospital up the road. Once we were there, I will spare you all of the gory details, Finn had another "episode" and the Pediatric Intensivist felt very strongly that it was a seizure. HOURS later, we were sent home with an emergency medication in the event of another seizure.... and here we are.
So here are my questions and a little bit of information:

1. Have you ever used the Diastat Acudial on your child during a seizure? How do you think it worked? Were there any side effects associated with the medication that you felt were truly the medication and not the seizure itself?

2. If your child wears a medical alert bracelet, where did you purchase it? Are you satisfied with it? Are there any that aren't worth the money/ companies that I should stay away from?

This Monday, July 20th, we are having another EEG. He can't have any sugar or caffeine starting Sunday, no nap the day of the EEG, and needs to take a nap after the EEG is started. Okay, sure! Finley has had two EEG's in his life, but he was 2 days (inpatient) and 2 weeks (outpatient) old at the time. I have no idea how to do this. His EEG is at 2 p.m., soooo my plan is: Take J.T. to preschool in the morning and then take Finley to a 2nd breakfast very close to the hospital. I am going to park my car at the hospital and we will walk to our gym across the street where I will let Finley play until lunch. We'll have lunch at the cafe in the gym and then get on our swimsuits and swim for a while since he loves the water and it wears him out. Then, we will grab a little snack, and walk back across the street to the hospital where he will, hopefully, be ready to zonk out. I am scared to put him in the car because it is "insta-nap" for him. (I tend to have great ideas, but when it comes time to implement them, there are usually some holes the first time around... and I really don't want this to be one of those times!) So....

1. What would you do to keep your child awake? Keep your child happy?

2. How do you get a child to sleep with a zillion electrodes on his head and in a strange place?

3. Any experiences with this that may help me out?

A few days after the EEG, we will see our neurologist:

1. Has/ does your child take a daily anti-convulsant? Which one? Are you satisfied with the results?

2. What questions do I need to ask?

Oh yeah, just one more I think: How long does it take your child/ family member to recover after having a seizure? (It took Finley the better part of 2 hours to get back to normal.... and he slept the majority of the day in between.)

Okay, okay I'm not really done :)

Do you have any advice? I am so overwhelmed right now. I feel like our way of doing things has changed so much in an instant. I feel like I did immediately after the stroke. I am scared to turn my back on the boys in the bathtub for a second (more than usual), I worry every time we leave the house if I have his emergency med, if we will be able to get to the hospital in time if he has a prolonged seizure. Every time the phone rings when he's at preschool, I wonder if they are calling to tell me something has happened. I know that things could be a lot worse, but I guess whenever our normal changes, I have this period of adjusting that is very anxiety-ridden.

I truly appreciate your input.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Making Progress

The past few weeks have been, well, hot if nothing else.

So the boys have been playing in the sprinklers, climbing on the roof, you know, the usual.

Speaking of the deck's roof, it is really looking nice isn't it?

But, "all work and no play"..... you know what they say. That's why we loaded up the car with some of our neighborhood kids and went to eat at Tokyo Joe's.

Oh yeah, and saw the new Transformers movie. (and showed Bumblebee some moves of our own.) :0)

Have a great 4th of July weekend!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the post I wanted to title "How to Change a Flat Tire without Breaking a Nail"... but I broke a nail

This morning John had a flat tire waiting for him...
so he took my car to work...
and left me with the flat tire....
and said he would find someone to fix it or just come home for lunch and do it himself.....
and I might have taken that the wrong way...
you know, that he didn't think I could do it....
so I showed him.....
and took pictures to show you.

Step 1: put something behind the back tires and pull the emergency brake:

Step 2: use the jack to elevate the car and, thus, the tire:

Step 3: remove the lugnuts....

Step 3b: keep up with the lugnuts as you will need them again:

Step 4: remove the flat tire:

Step 5: place the spare tire and use the aforementioned lugnuts to secure it:

Step 6: go to the nearest tire store to get it fixed properly (they were able to patch ours... for free)

So there you have it, how I spent my morning....

and now you can sleep tonight.

You're welcome.