We are building a deck. I cannot tell you how excited I am because you wouldn't/ couldn't possibly believe that someone could be that excited about a deck.
But I am... and I can.
And in honor of our newest work in progress... I will document the entire process through pictures. Shocker, I know.
This is the back of the house, after the first day. Basically, they busted out the concrete "piece" (I don't know what else to call it because it was so small, yet amazingly hard to get rid of???), and bolted those board-thingies to the house. Our neighbor Mark is helping us, (okay, teaching us everything - we don't know ANYTHING about building decks) in more ways than one, because our kids are in love with his kids and it makes it a great day for everyone when the kids can play and be happy. On a side note, he would be so disappointed that I called those board-thingies "those board-thingies", because I'm sure he explained what they are, and I can't seem to remember.
The second picture is really just a close up of the first. Next, if you look in the bottom right-hand corner, they used that huge machine to drill enormous holes in the ground, that would later be filled with concrete tubes and posts.
This is the "two-man" something or another.... pretty impressive don't ya think?
Mark with the concrete bag that I didn't believe was 50 pounds until they let me carry one.... ouch!!! He made it look sooo easy!
Our neighborhood princess "P" and Finley sharing popcorn and a smile.
J.T. and his friend "L" are planning their next adventure over a drink of water.
Time for lunch? We jumped in the car and made a trip to the grocery store. I decided to just take all of the kiddos and they were super excited to have friends come along! (fyi: they are all in carseats, or age-appropriate boosters :))
So, in a few more weeks, we should be having our first "deck-warming" party. I can't wait!!! In the meantime, any fun stories about your experiences with building anything??? Any advice???